Uncovering the sweet aspects of life

Filipa Marcelo
Filipa Marcelo is Research Assistant Professor at FCT-NOVA. Filipa Marcelo graduated in Chemistry from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa in 2003 and obtained the PhD in Organic Chemistry in 2009 doing a joint PhD at the Universidade de Lisboa and Université Pierre et Marie Currie Paris VI in the field of carbohydrate chemistry. In 2009, she moved to Dr. J. Jiménez-Barbero’s group at Centro Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC/Madrid) for a post-doctoral experience. During that period, she learned advanced NMR techniques and how to explore NMR to unveil molecular recognition events in distinct biological contexts, including in Glycoscience. In 2012 she returned to Portugal with a grant from Portuguese Foundation FCT to initiate a new research line in the field structural glycoscience in the NMR research group of Dr. E. Cabrita at FCT-NOVA. Since January 2017, she has an independent research line of research applied to structural glycochemistry, where she has been focused on the study of the molecular mechanisms of protein glycosylation and glycan molecular recognition through an integrative and multidisciplinary approach, combining high-resolution NMR-based methods with molecular modelling protocols, sustained by molecular biology, chemoenzymatic and glycopeptide synthesis and other biophysical and glycomics analysis.
CienciaID: 2B1E-5587-3DF2
ORCID: 0000-0001-5049-8511
Projects & Awards
Research grants:
"GLYCOTwinning – Building Networks to Excel in Glycoscience", Co-coordinator with the colleagues Dr. P. Videira (Glycoimmunology Lab, UCIBIO/ FCT-NOVA) and Dr. A. Palma (GlycoLab, UCIBIO/ FCT-NOVA) Partners CICbioGUNE (Spain); LUMC (Netherlands); Imperial (UK); funded by HORIZON EUROPE, Reference: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-101079417. 12/2022 - 11/2025. Total Funding 1,479,375.00 €; Unit Funding 750 K€ (2022/12/01 - 2025/11/30).
"MGL4Life - Targeting human macrophage galactose C-type lectin towards the development of innovative and alternative cancer therapies", Principal Investigator, funded by FCTMCTES, Reference: PTDC/QUI-OUT/2586/2020. Total Funding 250 K€, Unit Funding 229,075.10 €, (2021/03/01 - 2024/02/29)
"SalmonGLY - Interrogating Salmonella/host-glycans crosstalk: Structure functional approach", Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. H. Coelho, funded by FCT-MCTES, Reference: EXPL/QUI-OUT/0069/2021. Total Funding 50,000.00 €; Unit Funding 50,000.00 € (2022/01/15 - 2023/06/15).
"GlyCANtigens - Advances in MUC1 Glycan Cancer Antigens: From structure to function in the fight against cancer; Principal Investigator; funded by FCT-MCTES, Reference: PTDC/BIA-MIB/31028/2017. TOTAL Funding 238 K€, Unit Funding 176,266.00 € (2018/10/01 - 2022/09/30).
"Advances into the Glycome: From a Structural viewpoint to Function in Human Health and Disease", Principal Investigator; funded by FCT-MCTES, Reference: IF/00780/2015. Total Funding 50,000.00 €, Unit Funding 50,000.00 €, (2017/01/01 - 2021/08/31)
"Specific interaction of tumour-associated MUC1 peptides and antibodies: 3D view by NMR and Modelling", Principal Investigator; funded by FCT-MCTES, Reference: EXPL/QEQ-MED/0799/2012. Total Funding 50,000.00 €, Unit Funding 50,000.00 €, (2013/12/01 - 2015/05/31).
​Networking project:​
GlycoNanoProbes - Functional Glycoananomaterials for the Development of Diagnosis and Targeted Therapeutic Probes, MC member and Scientific representative of the Grant Holder. European Commission, Reference COST CA18132, Funding ca. 135,000.00 €/year (2019/03/01 - 2023/09/30).
2022 - Best Poster Award in 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (EuChemS2022), Lisbon, Portugal
2021 - Best Poster Award in 10th GERMN; 9th Ibero-American; 7th Iberian NMR meeting
2020 - Best Thesis Prize in Carbohydrate field to the PhD dissertation of Helena Maria Nobre Coelho from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Spain
2020 - Best Thesis Award in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to the PhD dissertation of Helena Maria Nobre Coelho from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Spain
2019 - Best Poster Award in 1st Meeting COST ACTION 18132 (GLYCOnanoPROBES), FCT-NOVA, Caparica, Portugal
2018 - Best Poster Award VIII Ibero-American NMR Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
2010 - Bernard Fournet - André Verbert Prix 2010 for the best PhD thesis by the Groupe Français des Glucides (GFG), France